Military-Friendly Realtor...
Because I am Military.
My name is Colin Marcum and I am your Oregon Veteran Realtor. While I am a Captain in the Army Reserves, I am also a Realtor with Sundance Realty LLC and my mission is to provide real estate services to Veterans and Servicemembers. Our brothers and sisters come to me when:
- They want a fellow Servicemember to help them through complicated real estate processes.
- They want a Realtor who is knowledgeable in the use and benefits of the VA-back mortgage.
- They want an agent who knows how to use all the entitlements and benefits that they have earned towards getting the best deals possible.
- They want an expert to help them develop a financial strategy that incorporates real estate.
- They are looking to develop a real estate-focused course of action that supports their lifelong goals and dreams.
I represent our Servicemembers and Veterans, my brother and sisters in the Profession of Arms, during the selling and buying process, as well as provide market analysis and course of action development for their real estate goals. I understand the benefits afforded to our people and provide advice and guidance on the benefits and drawbacks of Federal and State VA Home Loan Programs, conventional mortgages, and other financing options. Our compatriots choose to use my services because:
- I am tailored specifically to the needs, culture, and values of serving, separated, and retired warfighters. I speak the language of a Soldier and have the ability to create a shared understanding between the Veteran and the real estate market that they are entering. I understand the issues and opportunities facing our people that civilian Realtors wouldn’t understand.
- I know the ins, outs, and nuances of Veteran benefits afforded to our people. The unique aspects of the VA Home Loan, how status and service-connected disability reduce costs, and how you can structure deals tailored to the Veteran/Servicemember. Elements of entitlements and benefits that are obscure to your average civilian Realtor are known to me, your Brother in Arms.
- I look at your long-term goals, your PCS to a new unit, your military retirement, your civilian work goals, and how you may pass on your assets to your children and their children, and so on. What you have access to as far as real estate opportunities, means that you have many courses of action towards developing a long-term real estate plan that will set you up for success for the rest of your life and allow your children to continue your legacy. I desire to be your lifelong real estate consultant and friend to help you when you need it.
- 100% of all my Realtor-related commissions go towards Veteran and Military-based charities. A minimum of 30% or $1,000 (whichever is greater at closing) will go to a charity of your choosing (e.g. USO, Wounded Warriors, VFW, Toys for Tots), and I hope for you to join me at that charity to celebrate the donation. The remainder goes to a civilian-military advocacy group called War Is My Business which develops shared understanding between civilians and their military. None of this is at additional cost to you.
Colin Marcum

Principal Broker with Sundance Realty LLC
Licensed in Oregon
Looking to Buy or Sell
Looking to Buy or Sell
Are you a servicemember, veteran, or surviving spouse:
- Looking to utilize the VA Home Loan program to purchase your house.
- Looking to purchase real estate using a non-VA-approved mortgage.
- Looking for an investment or other non-residential property.
- Looking to sell your property or refinance.
- Or just looking for some real estate advice and need a fellow veteran with expertise to help you.
Then drop me a line, and we can hash things out and see what works for your future.
3D Real Estate Scanning
3D Real Estate Scanning
For homeowners, clients, or Realtors looking to have their property turned into a 3D model for virtual tours. This includes not only agents marketing their exclusive listings, but also owners of establishments that want the ability to present their apartments, compounds, bars, entertainment facilities, etc., to the public to draw in potential clients and customers. These scans can be embedded on business websites, and even shared amongst other sites - like Realtor.com, Homes.com, and Google Street View.
Capabilities that we can provide to those interested:
- 3D Interactive Scans
- Virtual Tours
- 4K Photography
- Digital Measurements
- Top-Down Floorplans
- 2D Schematics (Optional)